

In Oracle EBS R12, currently system allow user to Cancel PO Line even if quantity is received against the PO Line (Partial/Full). Oracle explains this functionality in following note: WHY DOES APPLICATION ALLOW You TO CANCEL A PO LINE WHEN FULLY RECEIVED? (Doc ID 93690.1) For few businesses scenario is not same and admin needs to restrict user to cancel PO Lines against which there is received quantity. Following personalizations on Purchase Order Entry Form helps to serve the business need. PERSONALIZATION 01 Seq Description 10 SMA-LOCK CANCEL PURCHASE LINE BUTTON IF RECEIPT EXISTS Condition Triger Event WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE Triger Object PO_DOCON_CONTROL.ACTION Condition :PO_LINES.TOTAL_QUANTITY_RECEIVED is not Null and :PO_LINES.TOTAL_QUANTITY_RECEIVED >0 Actions Seq 10 Type Property Object Type Item Target Obj...

Purchase Order Multiple Approval Hierarchy using AME

Please find Approval Management Engine Setup for Purchase Orders in below link. This AME Setup uses Quality Plan to store Purchase Order Approval Hierarchy Data. Following Data is maintained in Quality Plan: 1- Operating Unit 2- PO Creator 3- Document Total Range 4- Purchase Type (Purchase Order DFF Attribute Category) 5- Purchase Order  Approver 6- Approver Level (First Level, Second Level, Third Level) Dynamic Query used in AME Approver Group picks up data from Purchase Order sent for approval and matches it with Quality Plan and picks up relevant approvers and send document for approval. Using above setup 3 level approval hierarchy is maintained in system. Document Download Link: For any issues please please contact us on below E-Mail Id: Syed Mustafa Arshad E-Mail: LinkedIn:   


select   pha.SEGMENT1 , pha.ATTRIBUTE9 LEGACY_PO , pha.COMMENTS Description , pha.CREATION_DATE , aps.SEGMENT1 VENDOR_NUM , aps.VENDOR_NAME , hlv.LOCATION_CODE SHIP_TO , hlv.LOCATION_CODE BILL_TO , pha.CURRENCY_CODE , pha.RATE_TYPE , pha.RATE_DATE , pha.RATE , papf.full_name , pla.LINE_NUM , msik.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS ITEM , msik.ATTRIBUTE1 ban_code , msik.ITEM_TYPE , pla.UNIT_MEAS_LOOKUP_CODE , pla.QUANTITY , pla.UNIT_PRICE , plla.NEED_BY_DATE , ppa.SEGMENT1 PROJECT , ptv.TASK_NUMBER , pda.EXPENDITURE_TYPE , pda.EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE , haou.NAME EXPENDITURE_ORG , gcck.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS CHARGE_ACCOUNT , papf2.FULL_NAME PR_UNIT_HEAD , haou2.NAME DEPARTMENT , pha.ATTRIBUTE14 DEPARTMENT_HEADER from PO_HEADERS_All pha , AP_SUPPLIERS aps , HR_LOCATIONS_V hlv , HR_LOCATIONS_V hlv2 , per_all_people_f papf , po_lines_all pla , mtl_system_items_kfv msik , PA_PROJECTS_ALL ppa , pa_tasks_v ptv , po_distributions_all pda , hr_all_organization_units haou , gl_code_combinations_kfv gcck , p...


select mpv.ORGANIZATION_CODE , pha.SEGMENT1 PO_NUM , rvtv.RECEIPT_NUM , rvtv.TRANSACTION_DATE , msik.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS ITEM_CODE , rvtv.TRANSACT_UOM , rvtv.TRANSACT_QTY , pha.CURRENCY_CODE , pda.RATE_DATE , pda.RATE , pla.UNIT_PRICE , rvtv.TRANSACT_QTY * pla.UNIT_PRICE total_amount , rvtv.TRANSACT_QTY * pla.UNIT_PRICE * pda.RATE Converted_Amount , rvtv.SUBINVENTORY , milk.SEGMENT1||'.'||ppa.segment1||'.'||ptv.TASK_NAME  LOCATOR , pla.LINE_NUM , rvtv.DELIVER_TO_LOCATION from rcv_shipment_headers rsh ,RCV_VRC_TXS_V rvtv , MTL_PARAMETERS_VIEW mpv , po_headers_all pha , mtl_system_items_kfv msik , po_lines_all pla , MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS_kfv milk , PA_PROJECTS_ALL PPA , pa_tasks_v PTV , po_distributions_all pda where rvtv.ORGANIZATION_ID = mpv.ORGANIZATION_ID and rsh.SHIP_TO_ORG_ID = rvtv.ORGANIZATION_ID and rvtv.TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'DELIVER' and rvtv.SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID = rsh.SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID and rvtv.PO_HEADER_ID = pha.PO_HEADER_ID and rvtv.ITEM_ID = msik.INVENT...

Data Uploading Guide (Oracle Inventory Master Data)

Data Uploading Guide For Oracle Inventory Master Data: Please find Data Uploading Guide for Oracle Inventory Master Data in below link. This file contains Scripts to upload the data using Standard and Customized APIs and also Templates which can be used to prepare and upload Data. Link: This file was prepared and tested in detail by my dearest friend and colleague Sabih Khan and me. For any issues please please contact us on below E-Mail Ids: Sabih Khan E-Mail: LinkedIn: Syed Mustafa Arshad E-Mail: LinkedIn:  

Commonly Used Short Cut Keys for Oracle E Business Suit

Below are some of the  commonly used short cut keys which which will help in navigating the application. Clear Block               F7 Clear Field                F5 Clear Form               F8 Clear Record            F6 Commit                    Ctrl+S Copy                       Ctrl+C Cut Ctrl+X Delete Record Ctrl+Up Display Error Shift+Ctrl+E Duplicate Field Shift+F5 Duplicate Record Shift+F6 Edit Ctrl+E Enter Query F11 Execute Query Ctrl+F11 Exit/Cancel Query F4 Help Ctrl+H Insert Record Ctrl+Down List of Val...

Invoice Price Variance Process Accounting

Invoice Price Variance Process Accounting: Note: Below Working and results are only applicable where Purchase Orders and Invoice are not routed through LCM Module. For LCM Enabled Items IPVs are routed and transferred to Inventory directly from LCM. Invoice Price Variance is variance between the invoice price and the purchase price for all inventory and work in process related invoice distributions. Payables records invoice price variances when the invoices are matched, approved, and posted. This Article covers the detail Accounting for Oracle Invoice Price Variance Process and also its effect on item Unit Cost in Inventory. Let's Put up a scenario here. We will be receiving an item in Inventory which has currently no On Hand Balance or Unit Cost in Inventory. We Booked a Purchase Order for Quantity 100 at Unit Price of BDT 10 . We did the Receipt of the booked Quantity 100 at 01-August-2014 and receipt delivery was made on same date with all quantity acce...