
Showing posts from September, 2013

Query to Extract Inactive Items from Activity BOM

Preventive Maintenance Schedule gives Error for inactive BOM lines when Work Orders are implemented. The following query can be used to identify and extract Inactive Items in BOM Lines for Activities. SELECT msi.concatenated_segments, bic.item_num, bic.operation_seq_num,        msi2.concatenated_segments, bic.component_quantity   FROM bom_bill_of_materials_v bbm,        mtl_system_items_kfv msi,        mtl_system_items_kfv msi2,        bom_inventory_components_v bic  WHERE bbm.assembly_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id    AND bbm.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id    AND msi2.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id    AND msi.segment1 LIKE 'AB'    AND msi.organization_id = XY    AND bbm.organization_id = XY    AND msi2.organization_id = XY    AND msi2.inventory_item_status_code = 'I...

Construction Estimate Understanding in Detail

Construction Unit Construction units are defined at the organization level. It can only have activities of its Organization. Construction unit of one Organization can be copied to another. Fields Functionality Name Enter a Unique Name for Construction Unit Description Enter a description for the Construction Unit Effective from Enter the date of effective from which is mandatory. Effective to End date to which construction Unit is valid can be specified. Activity Give activities to be included in construction unit. At least one activity is required. Activity Description Will be picked automatically by system on selection of activity. Quantity E...